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Crazy Intro support and official release forum opened

Posted by WiiCrazy 
Crazy Intro support and official release forum opened
January 29, 2010 09:51PM
I'll release new versions of Crazy Intro here from now on,
By the time I put something worthwhile, you can check out old releases in my website : [www.tepetaklak.com]

Re: Crazy Intro support and official release forum opened
November 14, 2010 11:40AM

Can you tell me how I can launch iplayer from crazyintro as I have tried with a line which has the titleid HJCP but it doesnt seem to work - can you post the line needed to launch it?

Re: Crazy Intro support and official release forum opened
November 14, 2010 06:02PM
		<Shortcut button="1" launches="IPLAYER"/>

<br />
An example is above... Of course you would be just adding Title and Shortcut to your existing Titles and Shortcuts..<br />
<br />
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