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Crazy Intro Themes

Posted by WiiCrazy 
Crazy Intro Themes
January 29, 2010 10:47PM
Here are a few I created,

Stock NTSC theme, it resembles the NTSC health screen with the difference of music (Spy vs Spy) playing.

download : Stock Us Theme

Stock PAL theme, it resembles the PAL (english) health screen with the difference of music (Spy vs Spy) playing.

download : Stock Pal Theme

Freedom theme, a simple theme using tileset for press this and that stuff

download : Freedom Theme

And here is a Ryu tileset that you can use in your Crazy Intro themes if you want it... each tile is 200x156

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2010 10:49PM by WiiCrazy.

Re: Crazy Intro Themes
January 30, 2010 08:03AM

sorry about pollution created...

You need a help, I can help you make theme.

Do you remember the other forums? grinning smiley



Re: Crazy Intro Themes
January 30, 2010 12:32PM
Of course I remember smiling smiley

I think you can create good themes for Crazy Intro... It's simple anyway, a background picture and a press picture is needed. Press picture can be a tileset, an example of this is in the freedom theme.

It would be nice if you create and share say some FB, GS, BJK themes :p

Hmm now I think an animated cursor would be nice for the next version of Crazy Intro... so then the animated team amblems and such would look great :p

Even my initial releases had such a theme built in :p

Re: Crazy Intro Themes
February 21, 2010 07:55PM
Here is another theme I created today...

download : White Ninty

Re: Crazy Intro Themes
October 11, 2011 11:56AM
aren't you turkish, both of you? then why r u writing engilsh?
Re: Crazy Intro Themes
October 11, 2011 02:15PM
aren't you turkish, both of you? then why r u writing engilsh?

This part of the forum is English language only as they are used as official support forums for WiiCrazy's software which appeal to users worldwide.

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Re: Crazy Intro Themes
October 11, 2011 06:18PM
Got it smiling smiley
Re: Crazy Intro Themes
December 08, 2011 06:52PM
i think your first video better than second (i dont love fenerbahçe grinning smiley)

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Re: Crazy Intro Themes
January 24, 2012 08:42PM
Fenerli olan iyiymiş hocam grinning smiley

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